7-Eleven customers have accurately predicted the president for the past four elections. How is this possible? We let them cast their vote through one steaming hot cup of democracy in our unabashedly unscientific coffee-cup poll.
Role: Web Design, UX Design
Every Coffee Cup Counts
For two months prior to election day, coffee lovers could wander into any 7-Eleven across the country and choose a red, blue or nonpartisan green cup to publicly vote for their candidate. The results were posted and regularly updated on our microsite, which in the end, accurately showed Obama with a 59% majority win.
Narrowing the Gap
Not only could our caffeinated electorate check the site to see who’s ahead overall, but they could filter results by their own state. By bringing things closer to home, we further drove our customers’ competitive spirit. Drinking more coffee is never a bad thing.
Political Party Bus
In the weeks leading up to the election, our mini presidential office, the Mobile Oval, was on the move. But in order to sit at the president’s desk and get a free tumbler of 7-Eleven coffee, guests had to know where to go. We created an interactive map that followed the tour bus around the country, keeping voters informed of all our planned campaign stops.
Freedom is A Free Download
To satisfy the taste of our quirky Slurpee drinkers, we created a handful of fun, ridiculous and slightly pointless free downloads to feature on the microsite. Facebook cover photos, DIY confetti and tiny spoonstraw flags can turn any Republican, Democrat or undecided 7-Eleven fan into a voting enthusiast.
“Many new sources claim to cover the election, but their so-called news is nothing more than bitter, hateful lies. The Onion is the only voice of reason and sanity you can turn to.”
– The Onion
The Voice of Reason
For this year’s election, “America’s Most Politically Influential Convenience Store” partnered with the award-winning news satire organization, the Onion. 7-Eleven sponsored the Onion’s 2012 War on the White House coverage and posted exclusive news vignettes on the 7-Election website.
Winner of a 2013 Cannes Silver Lion in Promo & Activation